Star Studios Barbering
Barbering studio providing a community space for a rota of instagram barbers. Based in potters Bar, Hertfordshire, they provide male grooming services.
Their main concern was standing out amongst their competitors – the barbering industry is one of the most competitive landscapes, most towns have an influx of barber shops.
"They provided me with a lot of advice and the designs they presented were amazing. I was really impressed with the vision board they created, as it gave me an overview of the whole brand identity and what could be achieved."
— Dan Star | Star Studios
Star Studios Barbering
Star Studios approached us with the hope of creating a brand identity for their barbering studio in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. The project was laid out and there was 2 specific criteria the logo needed to meet – it needed to be put on to the wall and floor of the studio and it need to look good on t-shirts.
We explored a variety of ideas with the criteria in mind, which informed us to create a vintage style typographic logo in the style of a badge or stamp. The logo is very versatile, working in a range of colours to provide the most impact no matter where or what it’s used on. The logo works very well at small sizes and the circular shape means it will look great on social media, where profile images are copped or displayed within a circle.